Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh what a night...late night at Children's ER

The title alone gets your attention if you've ever been to Children's Hospital ER. I went rode with my aunt, her daughter in-law and granddaughter to the ER Sat. night. I've never been so this was an experience for me. Sadiebug is alright and home but the 4 hours there gave me some great material. I can't make this up.
First the tirage nurse was a huge butt (keeping it as clean as possible). Sadie got sick when we walked in and he was just a jerk. We told him 2x there was a mess on the floor and he didn't seem to care. He didn't even answer me when I asked where the bathroom was a lady in the waiting room told me. It did turn out to be a good thing she got sick as they took her back immediatly. Since there can only be 2 adults back there at a time, I sent my aunt on back which left me to people watch. I love to people watch, not engage in any conversation just watch. I never knew you could see so much at an ER. First up the rednecks: Now I totally understand that if you are taking your child to the ER you've more than likely scooped them up and left but when it's freezing outside change out of your husbands boxer shorts or put sweat pants on over them. Your child's small blanket is not going to cover you. You are going to be there for a while. The husband wanted everyone to know what he was saying as he spoke so loud. No one cares keep it to yourself. Next up: bringing your entire family, extended cousins included, to the ER. One family had atleast 15 members in attendance including 2 boys around 5 or 6. Their momma looked ready to hit the clubs later. While I was in the bathroom washing Sadie's jacket, I didn't shut the door completely only to have one of the boys enter and shut the door leaving us in there together. I was like hold up, I'm not going to be shut up in a bathroom with a child I don't know! So i go and open the door and he tells me he just wants to wash his hands. I'm getting out of there as fast as I can with a soaking wet jacket. A member of his family comes over and through her gritted teeth tells him to come on. Whew! 3rd: The ER is strictly for emergencies, if your child would rather be up running around playing then you might not need to be there. Example: A lady and her 3 children. I do not know which child she was there for but they were all wanting to run around and it's going on 10pm. She even told one to "sit your ass down" and let me tell you he did. 4th: Chatty Cathy. No one but the toothless friend with you cares that your husband didn't want to come with you. The ER is not therapy. This lady moved on from person to person like this was happy hour! The lady with the 3 kids just couldn't shake her! She also wanted everyone to know her business. She spoke to the entire waiting room when she talked. It was scary to know she had reproduced. For the longest time I didn't know who the mommy was and thought maybe the baby had 2 mommies. She drove me nuts!! I finally did what the man that was sitting next to her did, close my eyes. I thought maybe I can tune her out. I heard about how she was so glad she didn't have to put him in daycare especially at____ cause of what they did to her. The would hit you with a wooden spoon and deny it if asked. I heard about her baby's sleeping schedule. I was so close to telling her to shut up when it was time for us to leave. It was about to get real ugly!
The ER is not a place you really make friends. There is sickness and worried parents that are focused on their child. Leave them alone!!
Whew! What a weekend. I know I've left some out. I'll have to come back to them as I remember.
Happy reading! I'm off my soap box!

Wild and CRAZY Friday night for a single gal

I tell's hard being a single gal... I can find entertainment in the simplest things. For instance, a trip to the local Wal-Mart. I do not like going to the one closest to me but had to on this lovely Friday night. As I am standing in line to pick up my prescription and reading a trash magazine someone had discarded, I hear this loud voice behind me. I know she had to be loud as my ears were stopped up at the time. I tried to ignore her but it was just too hard. I turned around and come face to face with Alabama's version of Beth Chapman, Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife. She was decked out in, well, I'm not really sure how to describe it but I'll try. Some sort of combat boots with her knit pants tucked into them, a sweat shirt (I'm sure it was either an Alabama or Auburn) and covered in gold, as in jewelry. She put Mr. T to shame! It was a train wreck I could not look away from. Rings on every finger and at least 20 chains. I was in awe! Then I heard "next", which was me and I had to move on and pick up my Rx. She left me with a lot of questions: 1. does your neck hurt? 2. how long does it take you to put all of that on or do you just never take it off? 3. If you never take the jewels off how do you sleep without getting chocked? The list goes on...
I moved on and went to the grocery side and low and behold there she is again. Was this fate telling me I should ask all these questions? I don't think so as I was not about to get jumped in Wally World. She did seem to match the others in her party so I figured it was her normal attire.
I made my way to the check with an ever so friendly cashier and look up to see the best mullet I've ever seen on a gay man. Make that the only mullet I've seen on a gay man. Major business in the front but oh the party in the back!! He works there so I can now see it any time I want. I thought to myself a trip to Wal-Mart doesn't get any better but I spoke to soon. When I'm leaving I'm scanning the crowd and see the BIGGEST hair I've seen since 1985. My thoughts are that she's getting ready for Halloween but then I thought no, her perm fried hair is well, how she wears it. I saw her hair a good 5 min before I saw her. Good times, good times.
I've got to start getting pictures to go along with all of the sightings I keep seeing. I don't want to make it so obvious that I'm taking their picture. I promise to work on it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Whew!!! Close Call!!

In an attempt to knock the dust off my dating life, I almost made a HUGE mistake! That's right folks... out with an ex. I know, I know....there's nothing anyone can say that I have not said to myself. I don't know what had gotten into me. Could have been the cobwebs all around my dating life, boredom, I don't know. Needless to say, this little thing I call a blog helped remedy the situation. I don't ever go back and reread what I've wrote. Once it's down on paper, I mean posted on the web, it's there to stay. Here's how it went...
I can't remember which story he was from, which makes this SOOO much more worse (is that possible), but yes, he was a dating post. He found me on FB. Sent me a friend request. I pondered on should I accept the the friend request. I did and BAM I find an email from him and he sends an instant message. I do not know what is going through his head nor mine as a matter of fact. Just casual chatting back and forth then he throws his phone #'s out there. I was not going to call him. He said he had tried to call my house phone but it's disconnected. Yeah, no one called me on it so I didn't see the need for the expense. I remember from dating him that was him giving me his #'s was his way of asking for with utter regret I gave him my cell. He called and we had a very casual chat for about 30 minutes. Still not sure what's going on.... my curiosity is up...the next day, sees me on FB and chats away and asks if I would like to go out. Mind you this was not on the phone but through chat...1st clue he hasn't changed one single bit. I said sure, yes a glutton for punishment, he throws some things out there. I suggest dinner as I am not going down the same road as before and wanted to talk. He comes back with The Comedy Club-Henry Cho. My thought- I've heard Henry Cho is funny. I can say my peace after the show. Very selfish of me, I know. I would be able to see for myself if he had changed. He then tells me i can call him if I want to the next night. Seriously, I know at this point I'm being an idiot for even talking to him but I'm not going to call him. Told him I had dinner club, which I did. I began feeling very nauseous and wondering how I was going to get out of this. I decided long ago to not live my life with regrets, yet here I am. I do not hear from him until Friday night when I'm on FB. Yep, sends a message, wanting to know if we're still on for Sat. night. With a heavy sigh-yes. Long pause....he comes back and says he read my blog and never mind about going out, that he didn't know he was that bad and he's sorry. I do not know at first how to respond as this is typed words and it can be hard to decipher at times. My response was: that's in the past, I don't know who you are today. He's response. I guess. THEN types- well since I've paid for the tickets I'm big enough of a man to still go if you want, so I'll see you at 7. What? At this moment CLARITY hit me like a ton of bricks! No I'm not ok!! So I said that I wasn't sure if I was as I wasn't sure why after all this time he wanted to see me. His response: I'll sell them or see if I can cancel them. My response: can you answer that? why do you? He went off line at this point.
With my new found clarity I removed him from my friend list and blocked him. I am not the same girl I once was and will start my cat collection to become the crazy old cat lady. I will not go down that road....traveled once before, not again...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

In a drought...

Tis the season of the drought. No not the weather but my dating life. Very long dry spell...not sure how long it will continue, hopefully not too much longer. This dry spell makes me the worst blogger out there. I do continue to get offers of setting me up with people but they never seem to pan out. I guess it's a sign. Who knows? I think I might have to change my blog to: What not to wear, sightings of Birmingham. Lately that is the only material I have. Seeing some of the outfits I've seen lately have made me wonder if these people do not have friends or significant others. They should have been stopped before they left the house. Then again I would not have material. I do have some thoughts I'd like to post but they aren't for the faint of heart and only those that get my crude humor would get it. I'd hate to change the opinion people have of me well those I care about. When I do I'll put a warning on it. Personally, I find it very funny but some might not...wait this is my blog, they don't have to read it if they don't want...this is the country of free speech, for my soap box...
Back to the subject at hand. I guess it's time to get back on these dating sites to find some new material. There are certain things I won't do even for a great story. So no dating 60 year old men that have 6 children and want more. ooohhh just thought of another entry...
Look for more humor in this life of a single gal soon...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

why do people make life hard?

Normally I stick to funny happens but this time I just have to vent...  I don't get it.  You help people and help them yet they think that it's appropriate to talk to you any way they want.  I was not raised that way nor will I tolerate being spoken to in that manner.  Then when you call them out on lies...makes them squirm and it always seems to be someone else's fault.  Own up!  We are human and we all screw up, but to not break the cycle and continue doing the same things is well...unacceptable.  As a child you don't have the choice in how you are raised but when you become and adult YOU have to decide am I going to live in the past or am I going to make my life the best it can be.  Why would you not want to?  I do not want my past to define me nor will I let it.  It is exactly that, past.  There is always someone else that has things worse than me.  You have to make the best of the life you have.  Would I have chosen to lose my sister 3 weeks after she gave birth to the child she struggled so long for? NO.  Would I have chosen for my dad to walk into the emergency room one day and be gone the next.  NO.  We are not promised the next breath so make the best of it.  Are there days when all I want to do is cry, absolutely.  Sometimes I do.  Does it mean that I have permission to mope around, woe is me.  NO, I am here for a purpose and a reason  and until my last breath I will LIVE.  I will do my best even if it means owning up to things I have done wrong and saying I'm sorry to people I have hurt.  I don't get people that think the world owes them something.  The world owes you nothing.    I WILL make sure to the best of my ability that the ones I love are taken care of and not make any excuses for doing so nor will I stop.
Whew!  I feel better!

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Flirt

Victim 5-the flirt

The edited version-extended director's uncut is not available at this time.

this one is a doozy and happened a long, long, ok so not that long ago.  A couple of years, give or take.  The flirt.  I met him through work and in my line of work you don’t really meet a lot of people.  It started as innocent flirtin on both parts.  I flirt well over the phone.  Since his company did business with us we’d talk from time to time.  I can’t remember how it happened but eventually we exchanged phone numbers.  I should have ran the other way when he told me he’d been married 3 times and lied about how often he saw his children.  He had 2 boys and didn’t see either one of them.  He told me he saw them once a month but we dated for like 3 months and he NEVER saw them.  That should have been what sent me away.  No I stayed.  Even when I found out his youngest child was conceived during “a weekend of fun.”  Did that scare me off?  No but it should have.  When his soon to be ex showed up at his house when I was there and they were arguing in the yard, I stuck around.  I did question how his ex knew where he lived since he had just moved there.  The story he gave did not jive but at the time I believed him.  It boiled down to the fact that I wouldn’t sleep with him.  I didn’t trust him and with good reason.  When he ended it he moved his new girlfriend in within a week.  Whew....close call.  We went about a year without talking then he emailed and asked how i was doing.  We'd talk every so often and I even went to dinner with him.  I have seen or talked to him in about 4 years.  

I'm so thankful I'm not that same girl... I look back and see that I put up with a lot of crap.  In the words of Lady Antebellum "that girl is long gone" those that know, keep it to yourself...Josh.

oh, what to blog about...

what to say..., it has given me this glorious headache. 
It's just one of those days where I'd rather be at the beach by the pool or digging my feet in the sand. Instead I'm at work blogging, when I should be I'm starting my weekend early.  My work is done so I'm good.
This week has been crazy free which makes for a boring week.  I hope next week will provide quite the adventure!
I know I need to post more dating stories but have held back on some due to others would know who they are...not that there is many...the well is dry.
Oh, did have a close call Tuesday night.  When leaving Firebirds I almost ran into a guy I had gone out with.  With a sharp turn I went the other way and sent my friends running to let me know when it was clear to exit and of course they wanted to check him out.  We just didn't click and since I still receive emails from him and a notice that he is following me on twitter (no, I don't use it) I felt I should let it ride...  Whew!!
Alright I'm going to do some editing and get those funny date stories to you!  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Breathe Right strip, why do you torment me?

In order to help with my snoring, thank you Deviated Septum.  I have been wearing a breathe right strip at night.  This has not worked out as well as I have wanted.  In my sleep I take them off.  I would not recommend the clear strips as they are hard to find.  Here's a list of where I have found them the next day.

1. my hair
2. stuck to the side of my face
3. stuck to my arm
4. on the outside of my purse (I keep my pocketbook by my bed like any good old lady)
5. stuck to my pillow case (hard to find)
6. inside my purse
7. stuck to the sheet

I'm sure I'll have more to add and there are still a few I haven't found.  I know a couple had to have gotten washed which means they are permanently stuck to the sheets.  Oh, well I guess I need to get my DS fixed but then what would I write about??

Sunday, May 17, 2009

victim #4- relationship gone sour

Victim 4- relationship gone sour

I did meet someone on line and we dated for 6 months.  I, wanting a relationship, let it go that long when in fact it should have ended after about 3 months.  Everything seemed fine until my dad passed away.  My dad walked into the emergency room one day and passed away the next.  Very sudden.  Very heartbreaking.  When i called to tell him my dad was in the hospital and it didn’t look good he decided to stay home and would come see me the next day.  My mom and I stayed the night at the hospital and the next morning he came and took me home to take a shower.  He was in the hospital all of 20 minutes.  When we got back to the hospital he dropped me off in the parking lot, told me he loved me but that hospitals freaked him out and he didn’t want to come in.  Like anyone enjoys them under the circumstances...  I didn’t care at that point.  If I couldn’t be a priority then I didn’t want him there.  Needless to say the next time I saw him was after my dad had passed.   He couldn’t even be there for me when I needed him.  I will give him credit he did have my cousin and her husband go with him to get clothes for the funeral and he stayed with me the whole time during the viewing.  However, I had to nudge him right before the service started as he was dozing off.  After my father passed away he started distancing himself.  Which hurt since you should want to take care of the one you love.  Instead he started calling at the last minute and backing out on  plans or just not show up.  No phone call, nothing...  I took this for another 3 months, I know, what kind of fool was I.  I realized this was not the life I wanted.  He would rather go home and sit on his couch than see me cause his house was closer.  He didn’t invite me to come over, just cancel.  He truly broke my heart.  I thought he was the one and sadly tried to make it real.  After not seeing each other for 2 weeks he was to come over and hang out.  We had talked during the day and all was good then on my way home he calls to say he’s going to bail on me and go home.  I asked why?  “My house is closer”.  Ouch!  To say i was upset is putting it mildly.  You say you love me yet you don’t want to be with me.  It was so embarrassing to have friends over and they ask where he was and all I could say was “I don’t know”.  I had had enough.  I was becoming the only person in the relationship and that’s not right.  So after some arguing and crying I decided to look on line where we met.  Low and behold guess who I find has put their profile back on there.  I called him and told him his things would be outside if he wanted them.  He acted all shocked, he couldn’t believe I was ending it.  he didn’t come and get his things so in the garbage they went.  A month later I was laying in bed feeling sorry for myself and emailed him.  We corresponded for a while in email then he called one day and asked if I wanted to get together.  I’m thinking to talk about things.  No, he thought we would just jump back into a relationship.  Hello!!  He said he had been trying to get them to remove his profile on line for a couple of days when i found it.  First, you have to put yourself on there.  Second, you have to remove yourself.  The on line service does not just slap your profile up again.  I told him this.  I also said I wanted to talk before we just went out.  He didn’t know what we had to talk about.  I let loose all the frustration I had been feeling for so long.  We haven’t spoken since.  Lesson learned.  Before you start a relationship you end the one you’re in.  I asked him several times if he was sure he wanted to be with me. He said yes, but his actions said differently.  I guess because I didn’t need him to pay my bills or work on my car he didn’t feel needed enough.  I don’t need a man, I want a good man.  So ladies, don’t put up with shit unless you are prepared to endure it for life.  I’m still waiting on my happy ending, which I would rather do than be in a miserable relationship not knowing if he’s going to show up or not.  SAY NO TO DRAMA!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

one I could have had....yet didn't

Victim 3-the weird email guy.

Now I did not meet this man but I could not go without telling it.  Again, internet dating.  Will I ever learn?  i can honestly say i have, 3 years later.  

I do get some interesting emails from the TLo seekers, however this man was 57 with 6 children and wanted more.  He was looking for an available uterus and it wasn’t going to be mine.  My friends begged me to meet him just to have a story. I refused.  He even wrote me a poem.  He called me M’Lady.  it was scary upon first reading it then creepy.  He wrote that he hoped our age difference wouldn’t keep us apart and that he’d wanted to hold me but if he couldn’t then he would dream of holding me.  I ingnored this email since I was weirded out.  I did see he kept looking at my profile.  I wrote a poem in response but I didn’t send it. I was only going to send it should he send me another email.  I wish I had saved it.  I’m going to look for a copy cause it’s good.  I called him M’Lord, M’Creepy, and several other names.  I’ve got to find a copy!  

Thanks to Susan I have a copy of the poem he wrote me and the one I wrote in response.  I did not send my poem to him, though I think I should have.  Remember when reading I have NEVER spoken to this person.  This is his first, I repeat first contact with me.  

Of all the sunsets and sunrises... Of all the beautiful flowers that
grow on this Earth...
Of all the stars that glow in the heavens and the universe... you above
all are more beautiful in my eyes. No man has seen nor beheld such a
Princess or Goddess as I behold in you.
And I have now seen such beauty, warmth, and
grace... as I have seen the depths of your beautiful
eyes. But, alas my heart may never know the honor of
holding you, feeling the warmth of your kiss, or the
tenderness of your arms. Because of our age difference...
my heart will be filled with the honor of having to just
behold your warmth and beauty within my dreams...
But will be saddened to wake in the mornings to find
you not there... Only in my dreams will we love, laugh,
and go through the adventures of life... For you M'Lady... I wish you
all the happiness, love and joy
that life has to offer, and that all your hopes,
wishes and dreams will always come true for you...
I pray that you may honor me by us becoming
friends... and in time more...
but M'Lady, my Princess, I will honor your
desires... and will respect all your wishes... But
in my heart... you will forever be...
In all I have written M'Lady... I am very sincere...
and hope for that which may not be meant to
be...that we may find Camelot together... By Your Leave M'Lady... and
with the most honor and
respect I can give...
I remain., your Servant and Knight forever should
you ever have need of me...
My poem
Of all the Moon Beams and Solar Eclipses

Of all the stars & Planets in the sky

You above all are the weirdest.

I have never beheld such a creepiness as I have since receiving your

Your eyes, wanting to see if they are dilated, if only that hat
wasn*t there, M*Wrangler

Age is only a # to some but the fact remains I could have step children
only a couple

Of years younger and be a grandmother by the time I*m 35.

In your dreams is where I*ll have to stay M*Weirdness.

May your thoughts be of good cheer and know that some where out on the

Where the deer and the antelope roam, is your M*Lady, Princess ,

For it is not I that wishes to procreate this planet with you

I will remain, far, far, far, away



Saturday, May 9, 2009

part 2-another one bites the dust

Victim 2-food blower

Ya like how I come up with the names for them?

Ok, so I’ve tried on line dating several times.  I don’t normally put myself out there so I’ve come to realize I’ve got to step out of my box in order to meet anyone.  It doesn’t always go the way I want it to.  On this one occasion I had agreed to meet this guy for lunch.  I had a sinus infection but knew if I put it off I would back out.  So here I go.  I get to the restaurant and we meet.  He’s nice.  I’ll admit I did have a hard time hearing him with my ears stopped up.  Our meals arrive and as I’m getting ready to take my first bite I hear this loud blowing noise.  I look up to find him blowing his food like he’s a 4 year old.  Come on, there’s a way to let food cool off and blowing it off the fork is not it.  I could not believe with my stopped up ears I could hear him blowing his food.  I know I didn’t give him much of a chance but that was annoying and embarrassing.  If I could hear it, the entire restaurant definitaly  hear it.  We finished our meal and he asked if I wanted to go do anything else.  I couldn’t.  Seriously, first impressions do matter.  I know  he had probably made some woman a great husband but my 4 year old nephew doesn’t even do that.

Ok so I read this again and I do realize I'm the nutcase.


Stay tuned for another one....

Another one Bites the dust

Friday, May 8, 2009

Another One Bites the dust

Another One Bites the Dust

Tales from a Single Girl

Perfect to descriptions of my dating life.  What there is of it anyway.  Sad to be 33 and not have a clue as to how to find Mr. Right.  I’ve had Mr. Right Now and it was fun for a while but then it gets old, sometimes quicker than others.  The stories I have....the laughs, tears and picking of toe nails.  I couldn’t make this stuff up.  I’m not that creative.

Let’s  take a look back.....

Some dates I’ve completely blocked from my mind for sanity purposes.  I should note that names have been changed.  Sorry ladies I can’t warn you ahead to time not to date these unique individuals.  This may also be to graphic for the faint of heart.  Ok, that is stretching it but seriously I’ve gone out with some gross ones.  These are in not particular order just random stories.  I do realize the common factor is me in all of these stories and I have taken this fact into consideration, yet I’ve come to the conclusion it’s not me....

Victim  1 also known as Toe Nail.

I’m starting off with a good one.  Now let me say, I’m the one that ended it, therefore it was a dusting I chose but it’s too good to not share.

I took my mom’s advise and emailed a guy that a placed a Valentine on the local radio station.  She had heard him and thought I should email him.  I figured why not??  So I emailed him and we emailed each other, exchanged photos.  The picture he sent should have been my first clue.  It was from his 30th Birthday party and he had an Elvis cake.  Now, I’m not bad mouthing the King of Rock n’ Roll but he’s 30! How long has Elvis been gone.  It’s not like he was even alive when Elvis was big.  Again, nothing against Elvis.  I promise.  Did that stop me, NO.  I gave him my phone # and we talked.  The conversation dragged but I just kept talking trying to fill in any and all dead air.  Our first date was dinner, which was fine.  Nothing to brag about but I thought it was me so I’d give it another shot.  Date # 2:  He didn’t even ask me he sent me a text message and it was a double date.  Yes, you read correct, 2nd date was a double date.  So he picks me up and there in the back seat of the car is another couple.  I wondered if they both rode in the back seat the whole way there??  I still don’t know the answer....I’m good though... So we go to dinner and the guy starts quizzing me on how we met.  I was 10 shades of red.  I didn’t like being put on the spot.  I didn’t know this guy nor his wife and he’s giving me the 3rd degree.  We then went and played Putt-Putt.  I don’t know for sure but I think I won.  Since I’m telling the story, I won.  Nothing exciting about this date either.  I was going on vacation soon after and I didn’t even want to call him while I was gone.  I was so over it.  When I got back he wanted to cook me dinner.  You should know that his “job” was to stay in a home for mentally challenged adults at night, so he had moved in. Personally, I didn't like his view of his charges.  He referred to them as "those people".  Yes, I went to dinner.  As I’m sitting at the table one of the men that live there came in and asked was I staying the night?  Huh?  At first I thought they were going to be joining us for dinner but they are on a special diet so they had already eaten.  Diner wasn’t that memorable.  I don’t even remember what he cooked.  After dinner we went and sat in a small living room to look at my vacation pictures.  As we are looking at pictures I kept hearing this noise and to my dismay and disgust he discards a TOE NAIL on the coffee table.  I was shocked, stunned, grossed out, and most important speechless.  I recovered to tell him that I could have gone the entire night without seeing that.  his response  “it’s just a toe nail”  my response  “exactly”.  I excused myself to the bathroom and pulled it together.  When I came out I told him I need to go.  It’s a good thing he didn’t try to kiss me cause i would have had to shut him down.  he had his own door outside in his room and when I saw his room it only confirmed the decision I had already made before the toe nail hit the table.  How old would you think someone is when you see a jungle themed bed spread stuff monkey included and superman crap everywhere else?  I’d say the oldest would be 10, not 30.

This was the date that shocked and brought great laughter to my friends.  It has even been shared by others to make their dates not sound so bad.  Needless to say since he could ask me out via text message I ended it via text message.  For the longest time I was still on his email list.  Ugh!  I was able to get out of that eventually...

I can't unleash them all at once.  I don't want my tragedies to cause an injury from laughter..



weird posts on Craigslist

I love a good story any day of the week, but if you've ever read Craigslist then you know there are some freaks out there.  When I need a good laugh or pick me up I know I can find it there.  Tonight I was taken back by the request of a single man wanting to marry a pregnant lady.  Race is not an issue for him.  He wants to be the baby daddy. I am troubled by this for several reasons.

1. will just any pregnant lady do.  What if you don't get along.  Do you just marry anyone who is pregnant.  
2. Posting an add on Craigslist for a wife.  Come on, why can't you go out into society and find someone.  According to Steve Harvey's book Act like a lady, think like a man there is freak out there for everyone.
3.  What do you tell the child when they are older.  They will figure it out.  Do you tell them "daddy" posted an add on a free site for a wife and mommy replied and well since she met all the requirements-pregnant she went for it.
4. What happens after the baby arrives?  

I am just confused.  I think I might have to reply to see if I can get the answers to my questions.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's been a while...

A lot has happened since my last post. I've changed employers still doing the same work just a much better environment. Whew!! What a relief!!
I lost my grandmother Dec. 14, 2008. She lived a long and loving life. No better example of how to live than her. I hate that I will not have any future stories to tell.
Starting "seeing" someone. I say "seeing" because he only took me out once in the almost 3 months we saw each other. Let's just say that is no longer...
I'll get to that later...